January Student of the Month!
Rainier Junior Senior High School’s Rotary student of the month for January was senior Alana Cadwell. Alana is the daughter of Anna and Brandon Hill, and sister to RJSHS junior Rylee Hill and Hudson Park 6th grader London Hill.
Alana is a strong student and is active in leadership, FFA, Cheerleading, track, and wrestling. Alana is an outstanding student, always eager to help and always ready to go above and beyond what needs to be done. When involved in an activity she is among the first to arrive and the last to leave, and is willing to take on whatever job needs to be done. Alana is one of those students that I would trust to take on any project, knowing that even if it is something she doesn’t know she will figure it out and do an outstanding job. Alana embodies the ideals of leadership, and it shows in all of her activities.
When Alana isn’t at school, she enjoys baking and cooking for her friends and family. She enjoys being outdoors and doing numerous activities which she will be more than happy to tell you about.
After graduation, Alana plans to continue in her current job and plans on taking business classes at LCC.
Alana is warm, friendly, and positive. When we have new students arrive, she is one of the first students I would want to introduce to the new person and give them the campus tour and be a friendly face for the new student to connect with. Alana is friendly to everybody, and her kindness is a credit to her family and upbringing. Alana epitomizes everything we want our students to be; involved, friendly, hard working, and kind.
Alana would like to thank her parents for pushing her, even outside of her comfort zone, and to the staff of RJSHS for supporting her.
As a school and district we are very proud of Alana!
February Student of the Month