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Is It Bullying?

Posted Date: 10/18/24 (11:00 AM)

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Is it bullying?

October 18, 2024

Hello, Families.

We are aware of recent communication from Hudson Park families circling on social media about reported bullying happening at our school, specifically in fourth grade.  We can assure you, that as a school staff and as the building administrators, we are working diligently to combat and put a stop to this behavior.  We can also assure you that we are addressing misbehavior following the Student Code of Conduct and implementing relevant consequences as necessary.  

At Hudson Park Elementary, we work very hard to teach expected behaviors and reward students for making positive choices through our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework.  As a school, we recognize student success in many different ways. As a staff, we review our student behavior data every month.  The purpose of this data review is to continually review and reflect on our success with teaching students expected behaviors and to determine areas of need for reteaching.  Clear and consistent behavioral expectations create an environment conducive to learning.  One way we encourage positive behavior is to celebrate students’ success throughout the year by recognizing expected behaviors (Be safe, kind, respectful, and responsible) with our monthly Cougar Credit drawings.  In addition, we host awards assemblies throughout the year to celebrate students’ academic achievements in reading, math, and writing, as well as their success with being kind.  This year, we have continued our Student of the Month program, which aligns with our social/emotional curriculum, Character Strong. Each month, we recognize students who consistently exhibit the character trait that month, which include: Respect, responsibility, gratitude, empathy, perseverance, honesty, cooperation, courage, and creativity.  

In addition, we recognize the importance of supporting our students' social and emotional well-being. We continue to implement programs that foster resilience, empathy, and a positive school culture.  This year, in addition to our Character Strong curriculum, we have implemented a screener, Characteristics of a Successful Learner, in order to monitor students’ development of relationship skills, self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, and social-awareness.  This screener helps promote the creation of a school culture that supports kindness, care, connection, equity, diversity and inclusion and aligns with the social emotional framework as presented in House Bill 2166.

The safety and well-being of our students and staff remains our top priority. We have updated the Student/Family Handbook to ensure a safe, secure, and positive learning environment for all students. (Contact your student’s teacher if you would like a printed copy of the handbook.) Ultimately, it is our goal that every student feels safe, welcome, and can experience personal growth as a learner at Hudson Park Elementary. 

Finally, a great resource from Kids Help Line (linked here), helps individuals identify if behavior is bullying.  Mistreatment of any kind toward others is not okay and is not tolerated at Hudson Park Elementary, but developing an understanding of what bullying is can help in most situations.  

  • Bullying is different from conflict or unkindness.  Bullying is mean, but being mean doesn't mean bullying.

  • It’s normal to argue or have conflict with others.  Not all conflict, fighting or arguing is bullying.

  • Someone can be rude or mean and it doesn’t make them a bully.  Both bullying and unkindness can be upsetting and hurtful.

Rude, mean or bullying?

Here’s what they all mean:

Rude: Saying or doing something hurtful that wasn’t planned or meant to upset someone.

Mean: Saying or doing something hurtful to someone on purpose once or twice.

Bullying: Someone more powerful saying or doing something hurtful to someone on purpose, over and over again.

Please talk with your student/s about setting a good example by being kind to others and if they see something, say something.  We cannot address mistreatment or bullying, if we don’t know about it.  Please reach out with any questions, concerns, or feedback.

Educationally yours,  


Megan Keplinger                                        Ken Howell

Principal                                                      Vice Principal

503.556.0196                                             (503) 556-0196 ext. 212